Vampire Symphony Sava Savanović
Danica Nikolić Nikolić wrote a marvelous vampire musical, and I directed it in National Theatre Kikinda back in 2012. The show is still alive 6 years after its birth...
Sava Savanović - Vampire Symphony had a successful run on a Teatar Fest "Petar Kočić" festival in Republika Srpska // Bosnia and Herzegovina, as it won two prizes:
1. Special jury award for directing - Nikola Zavišić
2. "Step towards Bravity" - special award of RTVRS (Radio-television station of Republic Srpska / Bosnia and Hercegovina)
A journalist that saw the show wrote on "Sava Savanović - Vampire Symphony":
"Dark ambient, enforced by 8-actors-chorus, dressed in long black cloaks with huge hoods hiding their faces, suggests to the audience that they are watching a horror show. But it is a huge mislead! Because, as the show enrolls, it really makes the audience scream, but out of laugh, not fear!"
Savo Draklić
"The Independent Papers"
Banja Luka